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Our Mission Statement: To create memories for special needs students and their families

 At Low Key Boat Tours CF, our vision is centered on creating cherished memories for special needs students and their families. We strive to offer an unparalleled experience where families, who often dedicate significant resources to caring for their special needs children, can enjoy a dream getaway without financial strain. Our goal is to provide a week-long retreat in the idyllic setting of Key West, Florida, allowing families to relax, recharge, and create lasting memories while we ensure every detail is taken care of. We believe in the power of these experiences to bring joy, connection, and rejuvenation to families who truly deserve it.


Personal Testimony:

In my personal testimony, spanning over 15 years of active Christianity, I've encountered humility, failure, and profound moments of faith. The birth of my eldest daughter marked a pivotal turning point, where God illuminated my path and stirred my heart towards Him. Despite my initial reluctance, prayer led me to unexpected opportunities, such as becoming a head baseball coach. Amidst coaching success, I felt a divine nudge to prioritize my daughters' journey, prompting me to step away from coaching. Following my heart and guided by prayer, I ventured into entrepreneurship to support my nephew's dream of becoming a boat captain. Through this journey, God's conviction grew stronger, leading me to establish a nonprofit, driven by a desire to serve others and follow His calling in my life.

Our Services

What do we offer? 

As a nonprofit foundation dedicated to serving special needs individuals, we are thrilled to offer an enriching opportunity for them and their families. Our flagship program provides an all-expense paid trip to Key West, ensuring seamless travel arrangements from their homes to this beautiful destination. Each special needs student, along with five members of their family, will enjoy a six-night, five-day stay with all expenses covered. This includes accommodations, meals, and activities, allowing families to create lasting memories in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our goal is to provide a transformative experience that fosters joy, connection, and a sense of belonging for everyone involved.


Key West, Florida





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